This cruise is coming to an end. The science party and crew are excited to get back to solid ground. Scientifically, we achieved nearly all of our goals and collected a great data set for studying air-sea gas exchange. The process of analyzing the data will continue once we are back home. In the process, we have learned a lot about our own measurements and those of the other groups on the cruise. Bringing in a diverse group resulted in new collaborations and discussions of future research.
For us, the blog has been a way to document this experience, and to keep family and friends updated on where we have been. It has also been a way to communicate what we do to a broader audience. The blog has been more successful than expected. Over the course of the cruise we had over 1600 hits from 10 countries. Having a lot of young scientists onboard who are savvy with social media was helpful. Thanks for reading and sharing this experience with us!